I´m back in my training routine, but not feeling to well with it. Missing some power and I don´t know where I lost it. In my last long bikeride this sentence came in my mind and I think it is not to bad:
"Train with your head and race with your heart!"
It reminded me on the articel from Dr. S. Kräftner (Biestmilch): "Die Leistungsgrenze liegt nicht im Muskel, der Schrittmacher sitzt im Gehirn [Biestblog]". I know it is a different suspect, but I think we put to much sience in our training and racing, but not enough mind. That is a theorie I think could be the right way for me to do, but on the other hand we/I fixed in this routine. And honestly when I do my days of, after the race and during the time my mom where here on Langkawi, I missed the training-routine. So I thought what do you want? Training-routine or no routine? Well kind of both! But how does that work. Getting my trainingschedule from my great Coach Peter Sauerland (Sauerland-Team) and trying to put changes in the everyday training, without beeing to fixed on numbers.
Honestly I´m writing right now what comes in my mind, so this is no study or so. I mind think totaly different tomorrow, so don´t get me wrong.
The only person I´m kind of jealous (in a good way!) is Petr Vabrousek. If my body where able to do his schedule, that would be just fantastic. And he is not just racing allot, he is fast (still improving - just did a PB in his Ironman Marathon - 2:43:57h!!!) and a great guy! Have a great day in Arizona (just 3 weeks to go) - Petr!
[me and Petr two days after the Ironman Japan 2006.]
ALOHA --- Kjell
ur such a different soul!!
a unique one!!
wish u all the best!!
Hey Rahjis! Thanks and have a great weekend - hope your sister is getting better. --- Kjell
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