Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Lunch Time ...

Hello Mrs. Cow! How is Lunch ;-)
Enjoy you food --- Kjell

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Chicken feeding ...

The Kanponchicken are everywhere. All different in color, size and behavior. My friend is feeding some (between 15-30 chicken), so they decided to live arround and on the house. Here some pictures and sometimes a couple eat the rice out of your hands. That is fun and the don´t care if it is rice or you hand ;-)
I hope that this is right that they are called kampon-chicken. If not and you know better let me know, thanks! Try to Google it, but to many (72 - small number a google) other results: GOOGLE
Have a great day --- Kjell

Monday, January 29, 2007

Ironman Malaysia features top field ... on IronmanLive

Just found this articel on IronmanLive:
"The fabled island of Langkawi will again host the event known as the “Toughest Show On Earth” – Ironman Malaysia – on February 24.More than 700 athletes from around the world will descend on the tiny island that is located smack in the middle of the Andaman Sea. It is here that they will be up before dawn to compete with one another in one of the most grueling sports on this planet, an Ironman.
Race director, A Chandrakumanan, reports that this year there has been a record number of entries for the race. ..." [Source: IronmanLive and check the whole articel]

I´m getting excited --- Kjell

Sunday, January 28, 2007


Yesterday I saw some teams, probably from the upcoming Tour de Langkawi. Some are just doing there job, cycling and some are hi if you pass them. Not that I´m faster, I mean in the opposite direction ;-) There are quite some bid Team in this race: Bouygues Telecom (France);
Credit Agricole (France); Francaise des Jeux (France); AG2R (France) and some more ...

The first stage will be here on Langkawi:
Langkawi Island Start Time : 0900 hrs Start Venue : Dataran Helang, Pulau Langkawi Nuetralised Section : 2.8 km Stage Distance : 81.4 km Finish Venue : Underwater World, Pulau Langkawi Summary Stage 1 begins at Dataran Helang, the symbol of Langkawi and the landing point for ferries from mainland Peninsular Malaysia will see the riders beginning the race before finishing at the manmade underwater world.
Happy training --- Kjell

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Team Handball World-Cup in Germany

The Team Handball World Cup is hosted back home in Germany. I hope the german Team is doing good and doing better that the soccer team. But the coverage would never ever be better!!! To bad.
Happy training --- Kjell

Friday, January 26, 2007

New cycling tech ...

I saw this young man yesterday with a different cycling technic. I think he had fun and it worked downhill ;-)
Have a great day ... Kjell

Oh no, not again ...

I had a long day today and it started good with a nice swim. But on the bike, I had my 5th puncture during my stay here on Langkawi. But my supporter Dennis W. from Projekt Triathlon gave me Doc Blue for this trip.
And great I had it in this punctured tube and it worked. I´m happy to have this DOC BLUE with me.
THANKS to Dennis and a happy training

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Fantastic dinner ... last night!

Last night we had a fantastic dinner at a Thai Restaurant. Great fish-soup, rice and fresh Fish. And it was so hot, but good!
Have a great dinner - Kjell

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

My friend Emmes got new Babies ...

My friend Emmes just got 8 new little chicken ;-) He likes his birds and I think they are fun too. But sometimes they are realy loud.
Have a look at the new little once:Hope you have a great day... Kjell

Monday, January 22, 2007

»Einer, der ausgezog, um …« im Biest-Blog

» Einer, der ausgezog, um … «
"Kjell, eines der treuesten Biester, sendete diesen Beitrag vor einigen Tagen aus Malaysia. Ich denke zur Zeit regelmäßig an Kjell. Vielleicht kommt das daher, dass ich derzeit so in den Alltag eingespannt bin, dass mich das Fernweh immer wieder packt. Fernweh ist ja meist ein etwas romantisches Gefühl und hat mit der Realität nur begrenzt etwas zu tun, wie man das auch aus Kjells Bericht entnehmen kann. Ich kenne dieses ambivalente Gefühl des Glücks und des Schmerzes zu eben der selben Zeit, wenn man in der Ferne weilt."
[Zitat: Biest-Blog und Einleitung meines kleiner kleinen Reflexion]

Auf und davon - Kjell

Sunday, January 21, 2007

My sister got a horse ...

My little sister Sinje got a horse. It was her dream! Even she know´s that will be a challenge sometimes, she will dod it well. I think that is fantastic.
Hope they getting allong very well and having fun. The horses name is: HANSA. The place where they will have fun:
"... and Sinje, when I´m back I want to try riding a horse, withour getting hurt!"
Have a great day - Kjell

Hamburg is just great and everywhere ...

Today I saw these two boats in Telaga Harbour [].
So the IronHamburger found some Hamburger boats even here in Malaysia:

That is so funny, I think.
Safe trip home ... Kjell

Saturday, January 20, 2007

... inspire notes ... or so!

Right now I have a little more time beside my training and on my way from the massage I found these "inspire notes". I like some of them, but have a look:

... so let´s get focused and enjoy what we do!

ALOHA - Kjell

Friday, January 19, 2007

My friend Petr V. is doing the Challenge in Wanaka ...

"Petr - have a great day!", that was my E-Mail two days ago.
I´m online to watch the race in New Zealand for my friend Petr V. (! It looked great and he made 3rd place - Congrats!
OH NO --- see my coment! I cannot believe it!!!

My race (Ironman here in Malaysia) will be in a couple of weeks and with Petr. He is just a great person!

Happy day off today ;-) Kjell

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Schlafen ...

"Gebt den Leuten mehr Schlaf - und sie werden wacher sein, wenn sie wach sind." [Zitat: Kurt Tucholsky - gefunden auf:].
Zwar heißt es 6-8 Stunden, am Besten 7 wären ideal, aber ich brauche meine 8-9 im Moment!

Einen guten Schlaf wünsch ich allen.
LG Kjell

27 C between Hamburg and Langkawi ...

It feels like paradies for me, but don´t forget it took me about a week to say that. The difference between my hometown Hamburg and Langkawi are 27 Celsius!!!

So be prepaired if you come!

Have a hot day;-)

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Gunung Raja ...

Heute war Bergtraining (5x10Min. Gas am Berg) angesagt und ich habe mir den "großen Berg der Insel der Legenden" ausgesucht:
"Gunung Raja
Der Gunung Jerai ist mit 1206 Metern der höchste Gipfel im nördlichen Teil der Malaysischen Halbinsel. Seine Gipfel sind mit zahllosen Mythen und Legenden umrankt, darunter die Sage eines "Raja Bersiong", eines Königs mit Raubtierzähnen, der in den Vorhügeln dieses Berges seine Residenz hatte.Der Erholungswald von Sungai Teroi in dieser Gegend bietet Dschungel-Trekking, Wasserfälle und Campingplätze." [Zitat:] War keine leichte Einheit, aber traumhafte Eindrücke und eine krampfige Abfahrt, da die Straße in keinem guten Zustand ist und ich 14km auf der Bremse stand. Die Laufräder waren heiß gelaufen, als ich unten war. Happy to be done...

Monday, January 15, 2007

Biestmilch is just fantastic! ...

Biestmilch is just fantastic! ...
The Biestmilch is included in my everyday routine like eating, sleeping and right now doing my training. I have a great feeling about it and I´m not the only one:

Have a "biesty day" ... Kjell

... and see one of the Biestmilch producers:

Kopfsache ...

Heute Morgen hatte ich zwar wenig Schwung, habe aber meinen letzten Tag in diesem Trainingsblock mit dem Kopf gesteuert und bin Morgens Schwimmen gegangen. War OK, doch die große Begeisterung kam bei der folgenden Einheit nicht auf 100km Rad+20km Laufen.Ich erinnerte mich an Gespräche auf Hawaii mit Uwe Widmann (, mit dem wir uns ein Appartment teilten und dem Austausch mit Susann von der Biest-Gang bzw. von Biestmilch ( /
Was genau abging und wie kann ich jetzt und hier nicht mehr wiedergeben, da ich zu kaputt bin. Sorry!
Freue mich körperlich und geistig sehr auf den Ruhetag morgen!
Und ich werde mich ein wenig von der Sonne fern halten, da ich in 10 Jahren keine Lederhaut haben möchte!!!
Liebe Grüße aus der Ferne - Kjell

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Why me again, and three times ...

I know it sounds unreal, but it is true. I had 3 punctures today.
It bis getting close to frustration and I don´t know what to do. Well now I put Doc Blue in the tubes and hope that works, but ...

Happy training. GRRR

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Steh auf, wenn du am Boden bist ...

Als ich dieses Lied hört, so habe ich mich gefühlt! Platten, schlecht geschlafen, unangenehme Zeitgenossen auf der Straße und mein linker Fuss will nicht wie ich es möchte!

"Wenn du mit dir am Ende bist
und du einfach nicht weiter willst,
weil du dich nur noch fragst
warum und wozu und was dein Leben noch bringen soll

Halt durch, auch wenn du allein bist!
Halt durch, schmeiß jetzt nicht alles hin!
Halt durch, und irgendwann wirst du verstehen,
dass es jedem einmal so geht.

Und wenn ein Sturm dich in die Knie zwingt,
halt dein Gesicht einfach gegen den Wind.
Egal, wie dunkel die Wolken über dir sind,
sie werden irgendwann vorüberziehn.

Steh auf, wenn du am Boden bist!
Steh auf, auch wenn du unten liegst!
Steh auf, es wird schon irgendwie weitergehn!

Es ist schwer, seinen Weg nicht zu verliern,
und bei den Regeln und Gesetzen hier
ohne Verrat ein Leben zu führn,
das man selber noch respektiert

Auch wenn die Zeichen gerade alle gegen dich stehn
und niemand auf dich wetten will,
du brauchst hier keinem irgendeinen Beweis zu bringen,
es sei denn es ist für dich selbst!

Steh auf, wenn du am Boden bist!
Steh auf, auch wenn du unten liegst!
Steh auf, es wird schon irgendwie weitergehn!

Nur keine Panik, so schlimm wird es nicht!
Mehr als deinen Kopf reißt man dir nicht weg!
Komm und sieh nach vorn!" [Zitat von den Toten Hosen]

Erst auf dem Rad gehört und im Internet gefunden:

... und Abends habe ich mich massieren lassen, von dieser Dame:

Bis die Tage, Kjell

Friday, January 12, 2007

Day off and plenty of "friends" ...

I had my day off.
And I meet some friends:... andnot my best friend (they got me during swimming yesterday and that hurts!) ... andSee you soon ... Kjell

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Long Bikeride and lots of ...

Today I had my long bikeride (6h) and I had so many great impressions. Kids shouting EIRONMAAEEN, friendly people on the road and questions about Ironman. Fantastic the people here.And my friend Emmes told me while showing the News on his webside about Malaysia the News: - like that thanks.
... then he showed me the side about the Ironman Racefavourites and I´m on the list. That is the first time and the remembered my run from last year.

The time is running now and that is a good sign. I miss home ( + Family) a bit, but beeing here and having this oppurtunity is a wonderful gift, I think!

So lets keep us enjoying what we do ...

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Getting red even with sunscreen 50 ...

Warm greetings from the Malaysian heat. Today I started late in the bikeday, because I did a long run in the morning.
On the bike it was not to bad today, but I think after not having been on my bike for a while it takes some more time.
And the sun is brutal. I was on my bike for 4h and had suncreen 50 waterprof. But I´m red. It it is not so bad, but what else you can do?

On my biketrip I saw this little fellow on the street :-(Be carefull on the road and enjoy training.
Best regards from the heat of Malaysia

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Training on the new bike course ...

Today was the first time after Hawaii, that I have been on my Killer (CEEPO - It was a good feeling. The wind didn´t effect me that much and I did a 31,5k/h on the 100km I did.
And I did it mostly on the new bikecourse for the Ironman Malaysia ( For all who are interessted. The new course isn´t that flat anymore. There are 4-5 hills upto 10% incline and more than 100m, what is posted on the webside. The longest one is about 1km and the others are less (300-600m). I would say these hills are not a bog deal!
And the seabees are extremly itchy and that gets on your nervs!!! They are everywhere and I heard from a local that there are jellyfish aswell (realy bad ones). And that is what concerns me most!

So much for today and if you have any question about the Ironman Malaysia, the Island or so let me know! For Accomodation request visite:

Have a great day

Monday, January 08, 2007

Getting ready, Training and new bikecourse ...

I had a great first night sleep. OK after two night without sleeping in a bed is good anyway;-)
Putting my bike together was quite a challenge and so I spend allot of time doing that. But now my fantastic white CEEPO (check it out: is ready, like I am!
And Emmes told me about the new bike course. It is not that flat anymore. I let you know later. I check it the next days and post a coursediscription here in my blog.

Have a great day and take care

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Back on Langkawi ...

So I did it. I´m back on Langkawi (infos:, but what is that? It is raining here! But warm.A little run and quickly to bed.
More later...

Saturday, January 06, 2007

So much fun in KL ...

I´m having so much fun here in KL ;-)
... but it is open!!!
... and the pictures are not running through, GRRR. It might be to early?
... in 5 hours I´m leaving towards Langkawi, but I have to change the Airports before that. Air Aisia is not flighing from here.

For everyone who is able to sleep in a bed, enjoy;-)
Good dreams
PS: Check the weather - YES ;-)

... still on the road to ...

... from Hamburg to Zürich, to Frankfurt, to Bangkok (strainge stop without changing the Plain, but getting out for 1 hour) and then to KL. Here I have to stay a couple of hours. First I got something local to eat (rice with veggies), but compare to Langkawi it is expensive at the airport.
Tried to get some things online done, but the free connection is soooo slow. The Skype calls are not working. But I´m able to BLOG. It just takes time!!!

Hope everyone is fine.
The tripend for this section is getting closer and I´m looking forward to see Emmes ( and the island Langkawi again!

All the best

Friday, January 05, 2007

Starting all over again ...

Today I started my big trip going arround the world in 6 month incl. lots of training and some races!
My Mom took me to the Hamburg Airport todayThanks MOM
All the best Kjell

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Getting some stuff ...

Dennis Wachter from and created the contact to Aquaman and today I got some stuff (one-pice, two-pice and some training wear). I looks great and I will try it in Malaysia as soon as possible.
But I´m sure that this will be great tri-wear!!!

Check the webside:

All the best

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Water can be fun and ...

I spend a lot of time in the pool, getting ready for my first race as a Pro.
But first of all I´m getting nervous, because of leaving my City Hamburg ( for a big training/racing Trip arround the world. But why???

I´m leaving Hamburg in Friday.
Have a great day

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Sturm ... OK starker Wind ...

Mensch das neue Jahr beginnt aber ganz schön stürmisch;-)
Wie hier gut zu sehen:

Gefunden auf!

Viele Grüße Kjell

Monday, January 01, 2007



Liebe Grüße
Best regards
the IronHamburger