Tuesday, July 08, 2008

First time ...

... this is the first time I get racenumber one in a big race. Jeju is hot and humid, thats what I like and Peter Sauerland my coach, made me ready. And thanks to the Biestmilch Booster, it helped to get over the big hole yesterday. On sunday I will race with number 1 within the Korea international Triathlon Jeju 2008. Here a picture from my first start here where I placed 8th overall: Let´s go for it --- Kjell


Anonymous said...

Hi mein Großer,
wir wünschen dir viel Kraft und Erfolg für Sonntag!
deine 2

Anonymous said...

You have it! Leave it all out there! I know it will be the best yet :-) Lots of love and all my prayers, Sandy + BC, Duke & Ella